Non-template programming

  • Choice of technologies

    The requirements for the software solution are determined based on the project goals and objectives, including load resistance, security, scalability. The most suitable technologies for implementation are selected.

  • Architecture

    The structure of the database is designed, the architecture of the software solution and interaction schemes of all program modules are developed.

  • Development

    Implement frontend and server side of the application, define query processing and data management. The two parts of the app work together to provide its functionality.

  • QA testing

    Analyze the functionality, performance and security of the software product. Our specialists identify errors and check it for compliance with requirements.

  • Documentation

    Prepare the necessary materials – specifications, instructions, manuals – for project support, implementation and future use of the product or service.

Ksienija Daniš

Ksienija Daniš

Head of Backend Department
LinkedIn Profile
More than 9 years
architecture design / redesign, software redesign / design patterns / software project management
Bachelor's degree from BSU / Hard&Soft Skills student

  • C#
  • Java
  • NextJS
  • Angular
  • React
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Kafka
  • Elasticsearch
  • SignalR
  • Swagger

Creation of a web application for modeling carbon footprint reduction scenarios under the UN Paris Agreement

PRAS work has increased the fame and prestige of environmentally friendly behavior and business practices in several target groups. Moreover, their mobile game has been presented as one of the best environmentally friendly software products.

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Creation of the catalogue of personal data operators with additional information protection

The high degree of involvement and coordinated actions of PRAS allowed to develop the state information resource qualitatively and in time, carrying out all the necessary stages of QA.

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Development of an electronic bank of information on historical and cultural heritage with several categories of users

This database is the most important source of information for researchers and those interested in Belarusian culture. PRAS specialists interacted with the representatives of the National Library of Belarus during the project implementation and advised on the work with the portal.

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Creating a platform for organizing online travel exhibitions

The creative approach and attention of the company's specialists contributed to the successful implementation of the project. The created platform made it possible to present effectively the tourism potential of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of limitations caused by the coronavirus pandemic, as well as to increase revenues from extra-budgetary activities of the institution.

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Creation of a portal for those wishing to travel around Belarus

The company showed a creative approach and conscientious attitude to work, promptly responded to requests and took into account our wishes. We thank PRAS specialists for the high level of cooperation and quality of work and wish them new successful and interesting projects.

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Creating a social network for the adaptation of migrants into Swiss society

Client-oriented and technically savvy, the PRAS team offers well-designed, scalable, cost-effective solutions. The team is open to communication and, when necessary, recommends refinements and creates additional opportunities to improve the project.

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Creation of a site for demonstrating the work of the SDK of the document validation service

We added the webform to the website which has made it not only a technical reference for users but also a way to connect with the sales team. Overall, the project helps to deliver a clear message to users, which always helps with sales.

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Creating a platform for amateur football

The site was developed for several months, there were no violations of deadlines. The future task for joint activities with is to develop a mobile application for tournaments, as well as ongoing technical support of the site with visual content.

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Creation of an electronic version of the State Register of Book Monuments of Belarus

Thanks to the work carried out, a mechanism for presenting the country's book monuments on the Internet, which reflects the written heritage stored in libraries, has been created. We note that we can recommend PRAS Ltd. for their responsible and professional approach to work.

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Creation of a catalog of the museum fund of Belarus with a personal account for each museum

Thanks to the serious and qualified work approach of the PRAS LLC specialists, museums now have convenient online rooms for transferring information about museum objects, while users have a useful and convenient tool for scientific work.

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A real case from PRAS
Football Territory
Creating a platform for amateur football
next section of the site
in which

PRAS offers expertise and assistance
in the field of business digitalization and process automation